Českomoravská FATIMA
 CAPELINHA v Koclířově

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  • Přidáno: 19.02.2021   |   45 čtení / zobrazení

We also publish here, with an English translation, our attitudes to some questions and phenomens of the present time, as well as the reaction issued one year ago on the topic: „Sin and its consequences“, in SHORT-FACTUAL AND CLEARLY.

Mons. Pavel Dokládal, World Apostolate of Fatima Czech republic

Questions as a challenge

There are various questions to which there is no simple and therefore "cheap" answer and, moreover, there are increasingly clear problems that many are not even aware of.

So for all at least a short excerpt from the letter, which was like my answer to honest questions and than a great encouragement to live and continue ....

"I agree with you that everyone has the right to their opinion and their choice, including Pope Francis or the bishop, and if he feels so, he can publish or publicize his opinion. At the same time, however, if anything is provided as voluntary, this provision includes the choice of yes YES or NO.

It is similar to, for example, in the time of elections. Despite the fact that the authorities recommend them, no one is bound by the obligation to attend them, and certainly not by the obligation to vote for this or that political party. Therefore, no one is even bound to publish who they may have elected. This is the only legal opinion that everyone has and must respect.

I try to understand both sides and understand the reasons why they do so and try to persuade others to act according to them. YES NO.

In addition to questions about vaccination, I am very troubled by the situation in our Catholic Church, of which I am a member, in the manner of ever-increasing liberalization, which Archbishop Karel Otčenášek, my great role model, called "the emptying of the cross."

It is often hidden, pleasing, full of humanism, but in reality only a slow and creeping continuation of the work of the Evil in the most sensitive areas of life and the mission of the Christians – the one who is fully united with Christ, to participate personally in presenting Christ's ransom sacrifice, performed by his general priesthood from baptism. with the sacramental priesthood of the chosen servants of God - the sacramental priests, for the forgiving of sins.

The great "accelerator" of this advancing Evil is above all the necessity, or even the convenience - to participate online, via the Internet or TV and the long-term weakening of the elements of the liturgy itself, which - in an ecumenical perspective - bring us closer. Unfortunately, not towards the true perception of the Catholic - sacramental priesthood, but rather towards the Protestant concept of worship "

Surely there would be something else to mention or solve. But at least this.

Finally, I quote the words of Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for the Worship and the Sacraments:

"They say that the Church is no longer credible, it is not heard about the Church in the media. It is shaken by the scandals of pedophilia and homosexuality inside the clergy. It needs to be replaced, re-created. Evangelical morality is said to be too demanding, let's make it easier! Let's dilute it with relativism and laxism. Let us be particularly interested in social issues. Catholic teaching does not fit into the media, let´s change it and accept the globalist ethics of the OSN and gender ideology. So let´s make the Church a human and horizontal society that will be more accepted for media and more popular!

But no one cares about such a Church. The Church is useless to the world, offering nothing but the reflection of its own image! The Church is interesting only because it mediates our meeting with Jesus. It is legitimate only by revealing God. If the Church is overwhelmed by human structures, will darken God's light emanating from it. The church should be like a cathedral and constantly direct our gaze to God, like a turret pointing to heaven. ”

And father Pavel continues…. We have a special time ahead of us - Lent. We have to deny ourselves a lot, but now comes the ashes and the liturgical Lent. That, as far as possible, we would end up with this spiritual restriction? ...

20.2. is a liturgical Feast of the Holy Shepherds of Fatima, st. Jacinta and Francisco Marto. I entrust you to their powerfull intercession and every day we ask them for the gift of end of the Evil of coronavirus.

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